What’s Your Facebook Klout?
Posted by Julie Spira on October 13, 2010 · Leave a Comment
For those who are addicted to their social networking sites and have enjoyed watching their Klout score rise, there’s good news for you.
Klout, who collects data from your Twitter account has now added Facebook to the equation. As a result, your Klout score may go up and there’s a bunch of new graphs to enjoy.
For those who don’t know what Klout is, it’s a system that rates your online influence in a variety of categories. It isn’t about the number of your followers or fans, but the quality of your content, engagement, and followers on the social web.
You can secretly obsess about your Klout score or share it on Twitter or Facebook for the world to see.
Not only can see the details of your score summary, true reach, amplification, and network, but you’ll become categorized as a social media type. With Facebook added to the equation, you won’t only see your Retweets, but you’ll get a summary of your total likes, total comments, and unique likers as well.
You’ll see your network score with your true reach and a variety of graphs.
Interested in finding out your Klout personality type? It’s uncanny, but seems to be accurate with most of the social media people I know.
For more information, visit Klout.com
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with facebook klout, julie spira, klout, social media, Social Media and More, social media expert, social media marketing, twitter klout
Julie has always been on the leading edge of internet expertise. She was there when the web first became a viable commercial medium and was a leader in understanding and executing in Web 2.0.
~Roger Chiocchi