Making Friends for the World to See – Thoughts on the 140 Conference
Posted by Julie Spira on April 25, 2010 · 1 Comment
After an inspiring week in New York at Jeff Pulver’s 140 Characters Conference, I feel more empowered than ever about the “Power of Now,” social media, and the authenticity of the friendships that have developed over the years through twitter and the real-time web.
When given the opportunity to meet people you have connected with IRL, it is a powerful gift which marries technology and friendship. It felt like I was a child at summer camp meeting new friends, bonding in a deep way, and then saying goodbye, wishing it wasn’t over.
After a gruelling trip back home to Los Angeles, I arrived feeling like a lost and weary traveler. It was at that moment, that I started humming the lyrics to the song by Elton John and Bernie Taupin entitled “Friends.” Although the song was released in 1970, it has now become my personal theme song from the 140 Conference in 2010.
Some of the highlights for me at the 140 conference (in no order of preference) included:
1. A hug from MC Hammer @MCHammer at the VIP party the eve before day 1.
2. Being on the Stage at the 92nd Street Y on day 2 with Tom Miller @TomfooleryTM from Your Tango on the 1st-ever dating panel.
3. Cheering on my New York friend Andrea Syrtash @AndreaSyrtash on day 1 and extending the experience in our radio interview on Saturday
4. Chatting with speaker Mo Krochmal @Krochmal about education.
5. Meeting the elegant and eloquent Ann Curry @AnnCurry.
6. Seeing @GaryVee speak again for what he said would be his last time on stage. He’s gotten tired of life on the road.
7. Meeting New York tweeps at my book signing who have appeared on my #FF list with support from Imal Wagner @ImalWagner.
8. Reconnecting IRL with Alexis Maybank @giltfounder before the fashion panel.
9. Crying during the Social Media for Social Good panel with @AdventureGirl @AutismSpeaks @Malaria_Envoy and tweeting on the spot to raise funds for these causes.
10. Meeting @Loehmanns and talking about my fashion tweets she saw during the Oscars.
11. Dining with @CateTV @Lori Moreno and others before meeting @Kelsey_Grammer at the Broadway Tweetup.
12. Having Kelsey Grammer personally send me a tweet before his performance at La Cage Aux Folles.
13. Playing with Silly Putty from my new friends at
14. Cherishing the first 140 Conference yearbook as a reminder of those I met during this powerful week.
15. Knowing that the 140 Conference Meet Up in Los Angeles is on May 10th and the 140 Conference returns to LA in October.
What is the theme throughout this message? It’s about friendship – Connecting, Reconnecting, and creating memories together both online and offline. Whether you met back in the 70s or met for the first time on twitter, friendship is powerful. Friends now announce their engagements on twitter and facebook. Friends unite to support friends. We cheer on our friends when they are successful. We feel sad for their losses. We send virtual happy birthday messages. We post obituaries online of those we love and will miss. We engage in a dynamic and powerful way, often in 140 characters or less.
Thank you @JeffPulver for bringing meaning to every element of our lives, through education, inspiration and friendship. All of the videos are now available for viewing by clicking on the watch this button on the agenda. I do hope you have the opportunity to view my panel, Experiencing: Love, Dating and Romance in the Real Time Web where we talked about the theme of authenticity. It was a joy to share my stories with you and to hear yours in return.
And now, with permission, the words to Friends, by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.
I hope the day will bring a lighter highway
For friends are found on every road
Can you ever think of any better way
For the lost and weary traveler to go?
Making friends for the world to see
Let the people know, you got what you need
With a friend at hand you will see the light
If your friends are there then everything’s alright
© 1970 Dick James Music Limited
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with 140 characters conference, 140 conference, 140 meet up, elton john, friends, jeff pulver, julie spira, social media, Social Media and More, social media expert, twitter, twitter conference
Social Media Tips with Girls in Tech-140 Characters Conference
Posted by Julie Spira on April 21, 2010 · Leave a Comment
What’s the latest with social media? Girls in Tech interviewed me at the 140 Conference in New York along with Today Show’s @AnnCurry and others.
Filed under Videos · Tagged with 140 conference, andrea syrtash, Ann Curry, girls in tech, julie spira, Lynn Rose, social media, Social Media and More, social media tips, twitter conference
Julie Spira Selected to Speak at the 140 Conference in New York
Posted by Julie Spira on February 22, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Cyber-Dating Expert Julie Spira @JulieSpira will be one of the featured speakers at the Twitter 140 Characters Conference in New York on April 22, 2010.
Jeff Pulver’s annual Twitter event will be one of the largest gatherings of people interested in the effects of the real-time Internet. The two-day 140 Conference will be held at the 92nd Street Y on April 21 and 22, 2010.
Other speakers include Donny Deutsch, Gary Vaynerchuk, MC Hammer, Ann Curry, Ivanka Trump, and Shelly Palmer.
As one of the cast of characters, Spira will appear on the dating panel: Experiencing: Love, Dating and Romance in the Real-Time web. This session is scheduled at 8:45am on April 22, 2010.
Early bird tickets are available at the price of $100 only until March 6, 2010.
For tickets and more information, visit
Filed under Social Media Minute · Tagged with 140 characters, 140 conference, cyberdating expert, dating advice, dating expert, jeff pulver, julie spira, twitter, twitter conference, twitter dating, twitter romance
Tony Robbins | The Twitter Conference
Posted by Julie Spira on December 29, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Inspiration and a hug from @TonyRobbins
Filed under Videos · Tagged with julie spira, Social Media and More, tony robbins, twitter conference
Julie is a Social Media Wizard! In less than 5 minutes, she had me up and running with my own URL on Facebook in minutes and taught me social media tips that would have taken me months and months to figure out on my own. Her expertise is invaluable!
~Nancy McKain
Owner, The Bracelet Bar at Serenity-