Social Media in 2010
Brian Solis wrote an excellent piece on Mashable today called The Ten Stages of Social Media Integration.
In his article he breaks down the 10 key stages to implementing a social media platform and presence. With all of the buzz about social media, people are looking for the quick course in understanding how to tweet, communicate, and present your brand in a few hours or a weekend.
As he clearly points out, this isn’t possible. Social media is an ongoing and engaging part of your platform that requires nurturing, feeding, and educating on a daily basis. New rules and algorithms are created hourly. Books are outdated before they are printed. This will be the year to track the performance of social media in a more structured fashion. Late adopters need to jump on now. You can’t afford to be left behind solely through the use of traditional media. Get our your blender and start blending now.
Read the article and take time to embrace social media as part of your daily program and be ready for the changes, as they will happen as quickly as it takes for me to push the send button.