About Julie Spira Julie Spira is a social media expert and bestselling author. She works with individuals, businesses, and authors on creating their social media presence on the web.
Have a question about Social Media? I'll critique your site or blog, take a quick peek at your social media, and give you my expert opinion. Get 20 valuable minutes of my time to ask me anything.
I knew a little bit about social media before I hired a social media "expert." Unfortunately, that expert was not Julie Spira and Social Media and More. Where she was precise, they were vague. Where she educated me, they lectured me. Where she gave me concrete things to do daily, they spoke in terms of monthly goals. When she clarified what the end game for me could be, they couldn't connect the dots. Julie wastes no time or money. She is on the mark and will proceed quickly if she thinks you get it. If not, she will...