Social Media and More

Creating Personalities and Brands on the Web

Facebook Privacy Settings Changed Again

FacebookYou enjoy the experience of social networking on Facebook. You work hard to make sure your privacy settings are set to friends only, friends-of-friends, or even sometimes take the extra step of customizing it so you can exclude a few people without having to un-friend them.

It makes good digital sense to check on your privacy settings from time-to-time. Just today, I checked mine, only to find a new check mark next to a new setting that wasn’t there last week which said:

Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them.

I know it seems sneaky of Facebook to automatically allow friends-of-friends to share or view my photos, but it wasn’t my intention, nor might it be yours.

It’s a simple problem to fix.

1. Log onto Facebook and at the top right hand corner, click on Account

2. In the drop-down menu, click on Privacy Setttings

3. A box will appear under Contact which is already checked. Uncheck it and click save.

Facebook Screen Shot

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About Julie Spira
Julie Spira is a social media expert and bestselling author. She works with individuals, businesses, and authors on creating their social media presence on the web.