Facebook Privacy Settings Changed Again
You enjoy the experience of social networking on Facebook. You work hard to make sure your privacy settings are set to friends only, friends-of-friends, or even sometimes take the extra step of customizing it so you can exclude a few people without having to un-friend them.
It makes good digital sense to check on your privacy settings from time-to-time. Just today, I checked mine, only to find a new check mark next to a new setting that wasn’t there last week which said:
Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them.
I know it seems sneaky of Facebook to automatically allow friends-of-friends to share or view my photos, but it wasn’t my intention, nor might it be yours.
It’s a simple problem to fix.
1. Log onto Facebook and at the top right hand corner, click on Account
2. In the drop-down menu, click on Privacy Setttings
3. A box will appear under Contact which is already checked. Uncheck it and click save.
Facebook Screen Shot
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