Let’s Get Digital – Creating Brands at Digital Hollywood
Posted by Julie Spira on May 6, 2010 · 1 Comment
This week, once again I attended Digital Hollywood at the Loews Hotel in Santa Monica, CA.
It was a very enthusiastic iPad-friendly crowd where the theme throughout the past few days was branded content.
On the first day, Variety held their bi-annual Entertainment and Technology Summit. The event kicked off with Variety’s Publisher, Brian Gott, introducing Revolution Studios founder, Joe Roth. The summit included a lively web video panel with actors Illeana Douglas, host of the Ikea sponsored Easy to Assemble and Kevin Pollak from The Kevin Pollack Chat Show, who called YouTube “Entertainment for the groin.” He reminded us that soap detergents created the soap opera. Brian Firenzi from 5 Second Films praised the iPad as a television that you can carry with you. Jason Goldberg, Co-founder of Katalyst said, “We create marketing networks for brands.”
At the “Hollywood and Media Reinvented” panel, the word was clearly that content now needs to be conceived as more than just a television show. “It’s a combination of branded entertainment going forward,” said Greg Kahn, panelist and EVP, Business Development and Director at Optimedia, U.S.
Sharon Waxman, Editor in Chief of TheWrap.com led a packed panel on “Hollywood 2.0: Content and Commerce” She talked about how the entertainment industry is changing along with Funny or Die’s Marcelo Camberos, Reveille’s EVP, Digital and Production Jared Tobman, Roy Bank, President, Television for Merv Griffin Entertainment, Joe Michaels, Sr. Director, The Online Audience Business Group at Microsoft, and Eric Berger, SVP, Digital Networks and GM of Crackle.com.
After a standing-room only crowd at the “Web Series Development – Pilot season without a Net” panel, I had the chance to speak with Internet TV pioneer, Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3 about the future of Internet Television.
Revision3 creates and produces all-original episodic community driven programs and has close to 10-million downloads per month.
Their shows include Diggnation and Tekzilla, which bring in $1 million or more in revenue each, with well over one million views per show. Diggnation took home the award for Best Hosted Web Series in the 2010 Streamy Awards.
I asked Louderback what makes a good Internet TV show. He replied with, “It starts with an engaging host that talks about topics they are passionate about.”
Louderback takes a “best available” screen approach and said, “If all you have is your cell phone, you’ll watch on your cell phone.” He added, “If the iPad is the best screen available in the house, it won’t be the only one. There will be a plethora of screens to choose from.”
As far as monetization, everyone agreed. “Bring in the brands.”
Julie Spira is an author and social media expert. She is the founder of Social Media and More
Filed under Social Media and More, Social Notebook · Tagged with Digital Hollywood, julie spira, social media, Social Media and More, technology
Personal Branding Interview
Posted by Julie Spira on April 30, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Dan Schawbel, a world renowned personal branding expert and bestselling author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success interviewed me recently on his popular personal branding blog about how I created the brand of Cyber-Dating Expert.
Read the interview to find out my thoughts about personal branding as it relates to online dating as well as what I see for the future of the Internet dating industry. While you’re there, check out Dan’s terrific social media tips and the other interviews.
Click here to read Personal Branding Interview: Julie Spira>>>
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with branding, branding expert, cyberdating expert, Dan Schawbel, internet dating, julie spira, online dating, personal branding, social media, Social Media and More
The Top 10 Rules of Netiquette for Social Media
Posted by Julie Spira on April 27, 2010 · 4 Comments
Last year I announced at Book Expo America that I was writing my second book, The Rules of Netiquette. The book is a social media book. Think “Miss Manners Meets Web 2.0.”
Since that time many of you have shared your stories and have commented on those who aren’t so social-media friendly or just don’t know the Rules of Netiquette. I’ve been collecting stories about those who have broken the rules. If you have a story to share, we’d like to hear your comments.
For now, let’s talk about some of the Top 10 Rules of Netiquette if you’d like to play in the game, build a following, and enjoy the benefits of social networking.
1. The Authenticity Rule. Have a personality that shines online. Remember that you are human and limit your automation. Engage about subjects that would be of interest to your followers. Follow trends and comment on them. It isn’t all about “you.” Imitation isn’t a form of flattery. Compliment others and credit them where credit is deserved.
2. The Google Rule. Sure we’re curious, but should we kiss and tell? Whether it’s for business or romance, if you’ve researched them in detail online, don’t let them know. You won’t want to be accused of being a stalker. What you see isn’t always what you get.
3. The S.P.A.M. Rule. Remember, SPAM is a four-letter word. Facebook is a terrific place to expand your social and business network with people you have just met, while reconnecting with those from your past. If you have a product or service you would like to promote, send a private and personal email message to someone and ask permission. Don’t get in the habit of self-promoting your next event on someone else’s profile. If yo do so, expect to be de-friended in a New York minute.
4. Spreading the Love Rule. When you are building up your list of followers on Twitter and business contacts on Facebook and Linkedin, make sure to comment and re-tweet more often than self-promoting your own brand. Comment and share interesting posts from your friends on your favorite social networking sites and blogs. Become viral with your friends and family. Be social media friendly and click both the share and like buttons on Facebook, if you see a post or story that you think your friends and followers would enjoy.
5. The Personalize It Rule. When requesting to be a social friend on Facebook or a business connection on Linkedin or other social networking sites, make sure you send a personal message along with the request. It’s about human interaction, not numbers. When in doubt, send a private email message or direct message on Twitter if they are following you. Remember, posts, tweets, and status updates are often indexed by Google and the search engines.
6. The Off-limits Rule. Opinions on politics, religion, personal attacks, and controversial subjects that could cause embarrassment to others should not be put on the public Internet. When in doubt, don’t. You will lose friends and followers quickly.
7. The Tag – You’re It Rule. You have just connected with an old friend from grade school or college. Avoid posting and “tagging” photos of them that aren’t complimentary. Everyone needs a fresh start and it’s only fair to be on an even social media playing field.
8. The When in Doubt, Don’t Rule. Make the conversation worthwhile. One less tweet, update, or photo won’t matter. Avoid being the one whose messages are about taking a nap. Conversations are “in.” Clutter is not. Engage in a meaningful way.
9. The Send Button Rule. Make sure to use spell-check and proof read messages before pushing the send button. Remember, you can’t take it back. Never send an email when you’re angry. Chances are you’ll feel different in the morning.
10. The Acronyms Rule. Don’t overuse acronyms in online communication. We all know what RSVP and FAQ stands for, but not everyone knows the meaning of ROTFL and BTD. Use acronyms sparingly, and avoid them in business correspondence.
Excerpts from the upcoming book, The Rules of Netiquette by Julie Spira. ©2009 – 2010 Julie Spira – Social Media And More
Like us on Facebook.com/RulesofNetiquette
If you have a social media story to share and know those who have broken the rules of netiquette, we welcome your comments or you can contact us privately at http://SocialMediaMore.com/contact
Making Friends for the World to See – Thoughts on the 140 Conference
Posted by Julie Spira on April 25, 2010 · 1 Comment
After an inspiring week in New York at Jeff Pulver’s 140 Characters Conference, I feel more empowered than ever about the “Power of Now,” social media, and the authenticity of the friendships that have developed over the years through twitter and the real-time web.
When given the opportunity to meet people you have connected with IRL, it is a powerful gift which marries technology and friendship. It felt like I was a child at summer camp meeting new friends, bonding in a deep way, and then saying goodbye, wishing it wasn’t over.
After a gruelling trip back home to Los Angeles, I arrived feeling like a lost and weary traveler. It was at that moment, that I started humming the lyrics to the song by Elton John and Bernie Taupin entitled “Friends.” Although the song was released in 1970, it has now become my personal theme song from the 140 Conference in 2010.
Some of the highlights for me at the 140 conference (in no order of preference) included:
1. A hug from MC Hammer @MCHammer at the VIP party the eve before day 1.
2. Being on the Stage at the 92nd Street Y on day 2 with Tom Miller @TomfooleryTM from Your Tango on the 1st-ever dating panel.
3. Cheering on my New York friend Andrea Syrtash @AndreaSyrtash on day 1 and extending the experience in our radio interview on Saturday
4. Chatting with speaker Mo Krochmal @Krochmal about education.
5. Meeting the elegant and eloquent Ann Curry @AnnCurry.
6. Seeing @GaryVee speak again for what he said would be his last time on stage. He’s gotten tired of life on the road.
7. Meeting New York tweeps at my book signing who have appeared on my #FF list with support from Imal Wagner @ImalWagner.
8. Reconnecting IRL with Alexis Maybank @giltfounder before the fashion panel.
9. Crying during the Social Media for Social Good panel with @AdventureGirl @AutismSpeaks @Malaria_Envoy and tweeting on the spot to raise funds for these causes.
10. Meeting @Loehmanns and talking about my fashion tweets she saw during the Oscars.
11. Dining with @CateTV @Lori Moreno and others before meeting @Kelsey_Grammer at the Broadway Tweetup.
12. Having Kelsey Grammer personally send me a tweet before his performance at La Cage Aux Folles.
13. Playing with Silly Putty from my new friends at Answers.com.
14. Cherishing the first 140 Conference yearbook as a reminder of those I met during this powerful week.
15. Knowing that the 140 Conference Meet Up in Los Angeles is on May 10th and the 140 Conference returns to LA in October.
What is the theme throughout this message? It’s about friendship – Connecting, Reconnecting, and creating memories together both online and offline. Whether you met back in the 70s or met for the first time on twitter, friendship is powerful. Friends now announce their engagements on twitter and facebook. Friends unite to support friends. We cheer on our friends when they are successful. We feel sad for their losses. We send virtual happy birthday messages. We post obituaries online of those we love and will miss. We engage in a dynamic and powerful way, often in 140 characters or less.
Thank you @JeffPulver for bringing meaning to every element of our lives, through education, inspiration and friendship. All of the videos are now available for viewing by clicking on the watch this button on the agenda. I do hope you have the opportunity to view my panel, Experiencing: Love, Dating and Romance in the Real Time Web where we talked about the theme of authenticity. It was a joy to share my stories with you and to hear yours in return.
And now, with permission, the words to Friends, by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.
I hope the day will bring a lighter highway
For friends are found on every road
Can you ever think of any better way
For the lost and weary traveler to go?
Making friends for the world to see
Let the people know, you got what you need
With a friend at hand you will see the light
If your friends are there then everything’s alright
© 1970 Dick James Music Limited
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with 140 characters conference, 140 conference, 140 meet up, elton john, friends, jeff pulver, julie spira, social media, Social Media and More, social media expert, twitter, twitter conference
What I Like About Facebook
Posted by Julie Spira on April 19, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Today, the largest social networking site Facebook made a major change to its fan pages. They introduced the new and improved “like” button.
Previously when fan pages were created, you needed to become an official fan to join by clicking on a button that said “Become a Fan.” Apparently this put some pressure on users who might like a particular brand, but didn’t want to fully endorse it. Now, in an effort to keep things lighter, “Fan” pages have been re-named “Like” pages. A new button has replaced the “Fan Button” with a “Like Button.”
The functionality will remain the same as you will become someone who likes a particular page or brand on Facebook, but in a less-pressured environment.
Facebook is also now allowing you to control which pages show up on your profile. Thank you Facebook. This is excellent news as it helps businesses who may be following their competitors to push that page lower or prevent it from showing up under pages that you like in a search.
Not to be confused with liking a particular post on a page or your friends pages, the term “like” still applies to posts.
Feeling confused? Check out Facebook’s FAQs for more details.
Filed under Social Media and More, Social Notebook · Tagged with facebook like pages, fan pages, julie spira, Social Media and More
Going Social? Time for a Mobile App
Posted by Julie Spira on April 5, 2010 · 3 Comments
Having spent many years in the technology field, I have always prided myself in being ahead of the curve. I was one of the first of my friends to register a domain name. Now, I have over 500 in my portfolio.
So why was I so hesitant about creating an iPhone app before now?
After months of research and quotes ranging anywhere from $500-$160,000, I finally decided to move forward with Mobile Roadie to create my iPhone and Android apps for Cyber-Dating Expert. I figured if it was good enough for Madonna, it could be good enough for me.
Actually, my decision to contract with Mobile Roadie came down to two things:
- Price: $500
- Ease of Use: A few hours of my time
It didn’t hurt that the Mobile Roadie folks only live a few miles from me, so I could go knocking on their door if needed.
I’m now counting the days until my new mobile apps are ready to brag about. If all goes well, they’ll be launched just in time for the 140 Characters Conference in New York, where I will be a featured guest on the first-ever dating panel on April 21, 2010.
If you are interested in finally getting your iPhone and Droid apps, visit https://mobileroadie.com/ref/SMAM. If you put in the referred by name of SMAM, they will offer you 10% off your initial set up fee, bringing the cost of your app down to approximately $450. Compared to my initial quote of $160,000, you could see why I am so enthusiastic about this new service and am recommending it to all the Social Media and More clients and authors everywhere.
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with android app, cyberdating expert, iphone app, julie spira, mobile dating, mobile roadie, Social Media and More, Social Media for Authors
Annual Twestival to Raise Funds for Concern Worldwide
Posted by Julie Spira on March 24, 2010 · 1 Comment
On March 25, 2010, the social media communities in 175 cities from around the world will come together to raise money for one special cause. Twestival, also known as the Twitter Festival is organized by social media volunteers in multiple locations.
This year, the annual event will be raising money for Concern Worldwide (concern.net @Concern ), an international humanitarian organization transforming the lives of the world’s poorest, most marginalized children through access to education. Over 72 million children in the world who don’t have the opportunity to go to school. @Concern Worldwide has been selected by the Twestival global team and local organizers to be the recipient because of their comprehensive and well respected approach to education. This is an issue that involves many different elements; hunger, water, teacher training, building of schools, etc. Twestival hopes to use the power of their global event fundraising and social media influence as a vehicle to give people insight into this cause on a deeper level
In 2009, Twestival events raised over $250,000 for @CharityWater.
This year, Twestival in Los Angeles will take place March 25th at The Roxy from 7-11pm PT.
TO PURCHASE TIX – http://www.amiando.com/Twestival2010_LosAngeles.html
@LATWESTIVAL @TheRoxy will feature: Video turntablist/remixer Mike Relm (Youtube Live, Webby Awards), TweetMuseum – one-of-a-kind celebrity Twitter art, Polite in Public Digital Photo booth, 16 year-old DJ prodigy and music blogger Jake Simon, LA’s favorite party band City Museum, plus: a SURPRISE GUEST PERFORMANCE by a top touring alternative band! The event is Co-hosted by @ShiraLazar and Oprah Radio’s Derrick Ashong (@ashong) as well as other prominent members of LA’s Social Media community. Twestival will be broadcast online on Ustream. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased through Twestival sponsor Amiando:http://la.twestival.com Follow @latwestival Official Hashtag is #LAtwestival.
Twestival will be streaming live on Ustream.TV
To find a city near you or to make a donation, visit Twestival.com
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with concern worldwide, social media, Social Media and More, twestival, twitter festival
Mashable’s Web Faceoff Shows Facebook ahead of Twitter
Posted by Julie Spira on February 22, 2010 · Leave a Comment
In one of Mashable’s weekly polls, over 7000 readers voted on their favorite between Facebook, Twitter, and Google Buzz.
Almost 1/2 of those who voted chose Facebook. Twitter came in second, and the latest entry to the game, Google Buzz came in third.
My comment on the poll, “Of course Facebook would win. 400 million users and multi-generational.”
To view poll, visit the Mashable site.
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with facebook, google buzz, julie spira, Mashable poll, Social Media and More, twitter
Social Media Helps Raise $400,0000 for Haiti Food Project
Posted by Julie Spira on February 8, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Haiti Food Project Benefit
The Haiti Food Project concert and benefit produced by MAZON on February 4, 2010 raised over $400,000 for “second aid” for Haiti.
The event brought together musicians and inspirational speakers including emcee, Beverly Todd, Her Excellency Geri Benoit-Preval, Haiti’s Ambassador to the U.N. World Food Program & Food Agriculture Organziation, Deepak Chopra, and others.
Performances included Freda Payne singing “Here’s to Life”as well as Brenda Russell performing “Get Here if You Can” and Saxaphonist Dave Koz accompanied by Brian Simpson with a beautiful rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”
The highlight was the finale where all of the performers sang, “We are the World.”
Social Media and More provided the social media marketing for the event.
“On behalf of MAZON and the children of Haiti who we will feed and nourish, I am deeply indebted for the social media marketing that Julie Spira provided for this benefit concert. Without her creating a ‘buzz’ in such a short time, I am certain the event would not have been the success it was. Thank you Julie”. — Dr. H. Eric Schockman, President of MAZON
Donations can be made out to MAZON: Emergency Haiti Fund, 10495 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90025. 310.442.0020.
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with dave koz, deepak chopra, haiti food project, julie spira, mazon, social media, Social Media and More
Social Media And More Selected to Provide Social Media Marketing for the Haiti Food Project
Posted by Julie Spira on February 1, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Social Media and More, a social media marketing company, is providing the social media support to promote the Haiti Food Project’s Second aid benefit.
Join us for an evening of music and inspiration, as we raise critical funds for sustainable food programs that nourish victims and survivors of the earthquake in Haiti.
The star-studded intimate event, scheduled for February 4, 2010 in Los Angeles is presented by MAZON and will include performances and appearances by:
Deepak Chopra, James Ingram, Lou Gossett Jr., Kanye West, Forest Whitaker, Larry King, Deniece Wiliams, former
members of The Supremes, Freda Payne, Mayor Villaraigosa and political, religious and international leaders who are coming together to set the stage for long term sustainable food, recovery and rebuilding for the people of Haiti.
The beneficiaries of the event include The International Medical Corps, Lambi Fund of Haiti, Friends of the Children of Lascahobas, Haiti and the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Haiti.
The event will be held at American Jewish University in Bel Air, CA from 6pm – 9:30pm.
Tickets can be purchased at HaitiFoodProject.org and are VERY LIMITED.
Twitter hashtag #Haitifoodproject
Filed under Social Notebook · Tagged with deepak chopra, haiti, haiti food project, james ingram, julie spira, kanye west, larry king, mazon, Social Media and More
Recently we partnered with the foremost authority in dating and finding love, Julie Spira. She created a unique social media program with Down & Derby titled “Date night, Skate night” and it was the most successful event since inception. Social Media and More personally created such a buzz for the event, we had people line up around the corner.
~Richard Alexander
Down and Derby-